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to create a world free from chronic disease by educating individuals and communities on preventative health care through physical activity and nutrition promotion 

Hello! My name is Monica Venegas and I would like to eradicate chronic diseases! Specifically, I would like to help create a world of people who are physically active and have access to proper nutrition that will help reduce the prevalence of preventable chronic diseases. I have a Master degree in Public Health and Community Health Education from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro with a strong passion for physical activity, nutrition, and gerontology. I have years of experience sharing my love of fitness and promoting a healthy lifestyle throughout my community with individuals in every walk of life. 


My journey into public health started with a degree in exercise science with minors in both nutrition and health promotion. I knew I loved exercising and teaching yoga and group fitness classes, but I wasn’t sure how I could share that love outside of the gym. During my junior year of college I took a health promotion class as an elective and knew I had found my calling. Helping community members, workers, and older adults maintain active and healthy lifestyles seemed like second nature and I wanted to expand my learning upon graduation so that I could battle America’s sedentary lifestyle as well as possible. This love has spread to worksite wellness where I feel most comfortable creating program plans for employees that promote healthy habits as well as teaching them.


Coming to UNCG has honed my passion for public health and given me a new area to focus on as well- gerontology. Older adults are a subgroup that are neglected when it comes to health promotion and I believe we should instill just as much wellness into our elder community to combat chronic diseases that stem from aging.

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